INCIDENT A ( Photos 1 -5 )
Patient aged 72 years with a history of by pass, 5 pots of years ago and insulin dependent diabetes 35 years. Prior year suffered injury Akto foot, 2 rings and consequence was done amputation of all fingers. The evolution of amputation resulted in necrosis of the abutment.
Treatment :
A) Hospitalization 25 days in the hospital.
B) Intravenous, during the hospitalization and at the output of oral antibiotics .
C) Apply patches fully resorbable collagen Type I.
D) Topical application of antibiotic ointment and wound healing
E) There was no debridement of the wound. Neither stapling again thereof.
F ) The duration of treatment was 13 months until final healing.
OCCURRENCE B ( photo 6 -10 )
The patient aged 50 suffering from thromvangeiitida disease Buerger. The patient had a severe inflammatory infiltrate with associated necrosis of the fingers - metatarsals .
Treatment :
A) Nektrolytiki process through local application without enzymatic debridement and bones self - harming the process. Triple antibiotic shape , periodically throughout the course of treatment. Daily changes.
B) Application of collagen for complete healing of the wound. Also application of topical treatment with healing inside.
C) The duration of treatment was 20 months.